This time of year is a strange in between time. I really have no right to lament the end of the season; no right to miss the carp tails and scream of my reel. By anyone's standards I had a fantastic season. Many carp were spotted,stalked and caught. Many big carp in fact. Still, I can't help but wish that it was June, with the carp just off the spawn and many days on the water ahead. It really is too early to dive into full on fly tying mode, and too early to look back and reflect on the highlights of 2010...that is something best saved for the darkest of days when the flats seem forever cold and the carp are hidden somewhere in a big ball in the depths of the Columbia. What I can do is look forward already to the season to come. To fishing with friends and family, to stalking solo through the shallows. Right now that simply has to be enough.