My flies are tied, waders packed, I have new leaders on my reels and 3 flyrods are taped together and ready to go. Forty-eight hours from now Justin and I will be putting the close on day one of our 4 day swing through the rivers, lakes and canals of southeastern MN. Each year this trip is one of the absolute highlights of my fishing memories, and it is something that Justin and I both look forward to for the next year the minute the current trip ends. Kelly will stay in Minneapolis with her parents, and I certainly know how lucky I am that I have such an understanding wife and family. Four days is a long trip, and I know Justin and I probably don't say it enough, but thank you Kelly, Chris, Gene and Emily! We'll make the most of a little recreational time. We'll probably eat poorly, fish way too much and I doubt if either one of us bothers to shower or shave but I can promise lots of pictures that you can pretend to be impressed with!
See you tomorrow J!
That's very exciting. I just bought my tickets for MN, I'll be staying there over a month starting in June 1, but mostly chasing Esocids. You may convince to chase something else. I've never chased what you do there, if you have any suggestions on where to go, I may bring another fly box with me. This guy has been inspiring me lately as well...
I don't know if Lobster Lake by Alexandria will be open water while you're there, but as I mentioned on Westfly last year, I saw dozens of carp over 20lbs swimming by me constantly, making a ruckus in the bulrushes.
Good luck John! I'm sure you and J will be wiped out by the end of the week. Hope you guys get into the buffalo again!
If for some reason you guys aren't having much luck and you get a wild hair up your butt, have J give me a call and make a 4 hour road trip up to the legendary Otter Tail.
Hope you two are having a good time. Looking forward to hearing about the trip.
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