That'd be 23 lbs of carp. When i handed that rod to JJ I figured I would never know how big the fish was, but he got it done.
Slipped out with the kids today, with a plan involving rocky bottoms and the hunt for crayfish...unfortunately the water is still really high (though not fishing from sunken picnic tables high) so we couldn't find any rocks to flip over. We did run into the above bad girl who munched the little green soft hackle in a heartbeat. I played the fish for a few minutes before handing her fate over to a 4 year old. We also caught this monster just a few minutes before JJ's game of tug of war.

21 lbs on the nose, though neither kid got a shot at this one...this fish was just too hot. Elia got in on the action with a standard 11 lb male, and JJ got to do his favorite part of fishing...he eyeballs that net like there are cookies in it.

Nice assist JJ!
Will get some more lake MI pictures up this week, but any day you can take two fish totaling 44 lbs (plus an 11 lber) with your kids involved is indeed a great day!
The release of the 23 lber...

Nice golden bone!
Great post John! Looks like Elia recovered nicely from the collarbone mishap.
She is good to go! Kids bounce back quickly!
heading out and hope to do as well. Will see you this weekend. Don't forget to give your mom some flies to bring to the rv....
Aloha John, quite the young carp fishers you're raising!
I'm a big fan of your blog. I grew up in Eugene and I'm in here visiting family this summer.
Next week I'm heading up to the gorge to camp out and look for some of those big carp you catch.
If you have any advice, or if you might be up that way next week and wouldn't mind a fishing partner, send me an email: dailey.mcilrath'at'gmail.com
Just imagine catching a carp practically as big as you are. Those kids must have been pretty excited!
Damn that looks like fun man! What a cool way to spend time with your kids. Gotta be a good carp angler to casually hook into 23lbs of fish while hanging out with the kids. You got cool kids man, be proud.
Giant carp + small humans = pics I stare at in amazement.
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