Anytime you have the opportunity to fish with a good friend, you know the trip will be a great one...combine that with great scenery, eager fish, the NBA playoffs, and a wide variety of species that a trip like that quickly leaves the territory of great and becomes unforgettable. Justin and I had a special couple of days fishing in MN. We hit trout streams, tailwaters, and warm water rivers. We caught 22-23 species at last count with something for everyone thrown in there somewhere. The last day alone brought a huge variety of fish, all taken on flies while blind fishing nymphs in a tailwater river. We caught predators such as brown trout, brook trout, catfish, smallmouth bass,even northern pike! We caught roughfish from carp (35-40 carp caught between us!) to redhorse, quillback, even the elusive buffalo! At one point on day 4 I hooked and played 2 carp at the same time, eventually losing the fish on the bottom fly when i grabbed for the fish on the top fly (for the record, the top fish was the bigger of the two!) It was simply put, one of the best trips of all time.
Here is just a quick sampling of some pictures and fish that we caught. I will put more up over the next few days as I recover from vacation and prepare for Justin's trip out here to OR. While I doubt I can match the few days of fishing we just had, I am sure we will once again have a great trip together.
It will go down as one of the great trips of all time... thanks again for coming over to MN. I really love getting out with you and I wish we could do it more often.
Great pics and great summary.
I got out for 2.5 hours this AM and found some decent success, but nothing could match our day four results. I landed 5-6 carp, which before last week would have been a great morning!
Word gets around though - a famly of rednecks followed me up the river! Couldn't believe it... they tried to send their young son up the current to a spot at which I had lingered... he started crying in the river! More on that later.
Lovely pictures, Keep up the Carp Hunting I am loving it :)
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