Good company can turn any day on the water into a great day, and today I was fortunate enough to get to fish with David, KB, and Elia. It was a beautiful day for carp fishing!
With Elia in the backpack we hit our first stop and the carp were active, so we spent much of the morning chasing tailers in the shallows, and casting to fish feeding in amongst the rocks. Everyone hooked up or landed fish including a couple of nice ones. I got one great take in about 8 inches of water where the fish practically leapt straight up and turned while out of the water to grab the fly. I'm sure that is not what happened, but it was a really great take.
I dropped Elia off at home for a nap and headed back out to another spot where David was fishing. KB didn't join us either so it was just David, myself, and about 50 carp. We cast at sunning carp for a few hours. Sunning carp are really tough. If you don't put the fly right on their nose, they ignore it. If you are too close the spook. With large pods like we had around us this afternoon if one fish spooked the entire shoal would bust out of there. At one point a low flying bird sent 20-30 carp fleeing in one big mass. It was really a challenge, but we both managed some fish. I caught 3 or 4, with one great 11 lb fish. David caught a nice carp on a rubber legged hare's ear.
All in all a great day, made only better by fishing with some great people. Elia had a good time in the morning talking to the ducks and helping her dad spot fish! For the day I ended up with 8-9 carp, the biggest was 11lbs, and I did see my backing at least once today!
Thanks David, Elia and KB for a great day of carp fishing!
Great pics here... looks like a great day. Elia has seen a lot of carp.
I think it great that you take little Elia fishing... a daughter never forgets time spent fishing with her dad!
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