Quick report from the weekend.
Headed out with Elia Saturday afternoon. It was too hot to stay out long, but we managed two fish. One a little 5 lber that made a screaming run, and one big boy that i basically had to feed the fly to. I put that thing RIGHT on his nose. after 30 seconds his gills flared and he sucked it in...lazy fish. The big one weighed in at 9lbs. Nice to finally get one of the big ones out of that lake!
Tonight I went to another spot for an hour and half. Missed one fish right away. I dropped the fly front of his very active tail (couldn't see anything else) and felt him take the fly. I always miss them when I feel the take! A few minutes later I spotted a monster in the shallows. I snuck up on him, dropped the fly about 6 inches away and when his tail turned him toward the fly I set the hook! I was glad I brought the 6 wt tonight! This fish bottomed out my 14 lb weight net, and I would estimate him at about 16-18 lbs...really nice fish.
Wow - great news on good fish. I'm in Wisconny right now at Intnl Rivers Conf... showing these cheeseheads some carp on the fly.
have fun in WI. you would have enjoyed last night. lots of BIG tails in the water...at least until the one i caught destroyed that little bay...fun though...
I'd like to try that again... very tough, but fun and interesting. Still in WI - looking at a couple houses down in Chatfield tomorrow... Our real estate agent - MJohannes - is going to meet us there.
say hi to marcus for me...ask him if he likes married life yet!
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