16 lb common carp, something that used to be referred to as a BIG fish but is now known simply as a NICE fish. Carp have a tendancy to skew your bearings a little bit.
That white, string like line that is normally hidden by your fly line. All of you trout fisherman probably last saw your backing when the store clerk was putting the line on your new reel.
What happens when a BIG carp (BIG, not NICE) grabs your size 12 rubber legged hare's ear and runs out into the middle of the Columbia River. Generally speaking, you get to see your BACKING before losing the fish to the BENT ASS HOOK.
From now on defined as something that meets or exceeds a 20 lb minimum, as verified by a digital scale. In the case of this slob, 24.2 lb readout. Take away a pound for the net and you get 23 lbs. For you trout fisherman out there...note we are speaking in lbs NOT inches.
When a NICE FISH decides he doesn't like the look of your net and tries to break your flyrod. Note, 15 LBS OF FURY is known as OH SHIT when a BIG FISH takes the place of a NICE FISH. OH SHIT is usually followed in seconds by the sight of your BACKING, and sometimes a BENT ASS HOOK.
Just another day on the Columbia...
That is as good as it gets. What a fat fish. Nice gut. Your reference points and standards are changing.
You'll see what I mean in a few weeks. I'll email you some pictures not intended for web use...the carp were everywhere, but mostly spawning.
By the time you get here, they'll be done...and hungry.
John, tell about that rod. What does
that decal say ? "Skunkes" ?
That rod is a 9 ft 6 inch st croix legend ultra. It was built for me by ZM rods, and they included my name on the rod, and a moniker for the rod itself. I chose "skunked" for the moniker. It is my favorite carp rod.
That was one fat little piggie you caught there John. Nice work.
I'd like to catch me some nice 15 lbers.
Roger that, John. I figured a custom rod from all the butt wrappings.
That is a good post. I like the trout-humor bit. What a piggy fish too.
Those there are some serious hogs.
Congratulations ...
Beautiful articles, worship in Italy in my part of the Carpe fish.
Although I still look like a Martian.
Council on some imitation? Ù
Hello Sergio
looks like a ton of fun! do you mind if i add your blog to my links at fladuckdays?
No problem...i'll get a link up to your blog this weekend.
Excellent write up. The last I tried fly fishing for carp, was with a bare hook that had grass tied to it! haha. I need to follow your tips and see if I can't snag a few of these 20 pounders floating around out here.
Great post! Got me smiling and even more ready to hook my first on the fly.
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