The purchase of this place is a large part of my complete lack of online activity of late. Typically the winter is spent talking fishing online, tying, fishing, tying, and more talking fishing online. Instead, I've spent this winter arguing with a builder, yelling at a lender, and lifting boxes. We officially moved in last Saturday, and the place is pretty liveable right now...not too many boxes lying around, but many empty rooms at this point. The good news...we now have a "craft" room. That is code for "fly tying room" I don't think my wife is fooled. I actually knocked out 10 montana carrots for a swap on the Rocky Mountain Fly Board last night, and have already chatted with Wendy Berrell about web cam tying sessions involing visual instruction, plenty of BS and a bottle or two of the drink of choice. Should be fun. Actual fishing is still a distant 5th or 6th at this point, but there is an off chance I'll be out after trout this weekend. The Reel John Montana is on his way to PDX to see the Gonzaga game with me Thursday night, and I hear he's bringing a trout rod. We'll see how the weekend goes!
Pictures of the Montana carrot will go up at some point...I just need to find my camera.
Nice pad!
Glad you are finally in your place. I look forward to swinging through some time soon.
Hope you and your dad get out a bit.
Let's see some shots of the tying room.
nice house. Ya i would definitley grab a room and set up a real nice vise lots of materials and maybe a workbench for rodbuilding.
Wow, nice place! I guess the economy crunch is not happening where you're at.
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