Many reports to follow, but for now, just know that Alaska is simply amazing. A few pics...

I might have a "little" more to say about this pike. What a pig!

The coho were amazing. My dad couldn't get enough.

This picture just screamed Alaska to me.
More to come, rainbows, dolly varden, arctic char, sockeye salmon, pike, coho...and grayling. Tons and tons of grayling.
Glad to be home!
That pike pic almost made me choke on my burrito... Good Lord!
fantastic fish, especially pike!!
That is some special stuff. That is so cool you got to do that with your dad. Can't wait for the rest of it.
It can't get any better than sharing this kind of trip of a lifetime with your dad.
I'm really happy you both got to do it, even if you didn't have absolutely stellar fishing.
Welcome home, John.
Redonkulous!!!!, in awesomeness!
Come on now, they don't look like carp to me?
Well done, fantastic fish.
you are a maniac-- I enjoyed the updates and couldn't wait to see the pictures. What a trip -- and what a pike!!
That net looks just a wee bit undersized for that monster pike. I bet that was an adventure! What an awesome fish. What an awesome bunch of fish.
It really was an amazing trip. One day we got fogged in and couldn't fly basically on what should have been our worst day I landed 10 coho, countless grayling, and that pike. Crazy.
And yeah, that was the trout net. It didn't come in to play. The guide was actually quite a ways back getting the boat when I spotted that pike, so I landed it by pouncing on it like an osprey in 6 in he's of water!
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