Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I have been blessed with not one, but two amazing mothers in my life. Quite frankly having children of my own has made me realize that my mom is a saint. Imagine raising 4 kids, one with childhood diabetes, and TWO born without hip sockets and therefore spending many long months in full body casts. Do all this while your husband drives a train for a living and is gone for 3-4 days at a time. Oh...and keep in mind that the fourth kid was me. Like I said. Saint.

And my wife? I have a minimum of 2 "I am not worthy" moments per week. Somehow she keeps us all humming along despite me working too much, fishing too much and in general being, well, me. I look at my kids everyday with a stunned appreciation for the opportunities Kelly brings them and know that the love and kindness my children exude is a direct reflection of the boundless love Kelly possesses for our family...right down to the dog and BOTH rats. All of this while continuing her own personal journey and growth...amazing woman indeed.

Happy Mother's Day to you both...I doubt I can ever show my appreciation enough but I promise to try.

And she is still smoking hot too.

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