A normal evening, scooter rides and some races and somersaults down the hill at the park turned into a trip to the ER for some x-rays. I stayed home with JJ and Kelly took Elia and returned with this sling (adult size...we will be downsizing in the morning). Six weeks of keeping her arm stable and all will be well...Elia is a trooper and I am certain that Dad is more freaked out than she is.
Apprently we are working in weird parrallel universes. My 7 year old son Zack broke his collarbone last week. And right before Summer Vaca...poor kids.
Sorry man! Hope your kid is ok!
Well after a week or so it pretty much never hurts him. He can't really do all his kid things but no pain. I think that is pretty typical, hope it turns out that way with your daughter too!
Dang! Hope Elia heals up quickly and is back to holding carp soon! :)
Whoa. Wish her well for me.
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