Sunday, May 17, 2015


Just off the river after four days. The fishing wasn't epic, but the company sure was! Cameron from The Riberglass Manifesto, Dan from Carp Pro, Wendy Berrell from Fishing and Yhinking in Minnesote and Trevor from FlyCarpin all descended on the river. Travis from Trashfishing and Funhogging joined as well. It was an all star crew, even with a hack like me along to bring down the overall skill level. More to come, but I wanted to post a quick thanks to all the boys and their families...what a great time!




RM Lytle said...

Sounds like a lot of fun, can't wait for the rest!

Gregg said...

Me too, with a troop like that it must be epic.


Unknown said...

Loved the article. It’s the little things. Please select good fly rod.