This fish was a serious beast and required a shallow water stalk on his knees to get into position to get the eat. We landed several other absolute monster carp. I landed a 21 lb fish on the first day and also managed to land a 22, 23 and 31 lb carp. Here are a few pictures of the 31 lb bruiser.

This fish took a size 8 black and orange soft hackle. What a hog.
Still a lot of thoughts slipping through my head and I will sort through some things and put up (a lot) more pictures over the next few days. The carp were tough, with the takes being as subtle as they ever get, but as is always the case with carping, good things happen when your boots are in the water. We saw some amazing things and fished in some interesting places...more on all of that later. For now all I can say is what a trip!
WOW! I can't even imagine catching a fish that big on my fly rod.. Absolute blast I'm sure!
Dang! Thats almost scary.. but cool!
This was an incredible experience. Between the water conditions, the behavior of the fish and the good company this was the most fascinating travel trip I have ever taken. Also, John is a top notch carper, a heck of a guy and I learned a ton. What a gas.
You're the MAN! And that is one heck of a carp!
slab of the month.
Everything turned out pretty well despite the horrid river conditions. It wasn't what we envisioned but we still found a ton of carp...a few big ones too! Thanks again for making the trip Mctage, and for being a good sport about the river.
Worst conditions make the best stories. :)
It has been interesting Erin. As Wendy Berrell said in his recap of the last trip (and by the way, you would dig Wendy's blog...fishing and thinking in MN. He has a great voice) there are always edges. This year has brought some unique discoveries. I appreciate Wendy, WFF and Mctage all being good sports and willing adventurers!
That big fish is fascinating. Wish I'd seen that one in person. Nice work. Glad you and McTage logged a memorable outing. You're making a good habit of fighting through tough conditions. In fact, now that I think of it, if you were Jason Terry or any other NBA player you'd have to be posting right now: "Nobody thought we could do it. This team of carpers, this team is so great, we just fight through adversity and keep fighting. There's a lot of character here. Nobody gave us a chance. But look at us now. Look at us now."
John - oh yes, I am already digging on Wendy's blog!
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