The trick of course is finding the right size fish. Years of study have determined that the one hand hold is possible only with fish under 12 lbs, and the higher end of that scale increases the difficult dramatically. As you can see, WFF took right to the challenge and found multiple opportunities for the statue of liberty pose.

At one point he was so immersed in the vegetation of the forest that even as he whooped and hollered to indicate he had hooked yet another carp, neither Wendy nor myself knew where he was in the maze of trees and brush. Not to worry...by this point in the trip WFF was an old hand and knew just what to do.

Nicely done WFF. Nicely done.
How official is this tradition? I am kinda a scrawny dude. We may have to put in a little extra effort to find me littlun. You even got 3 pounders there?
Smallest I have ever caught in the main river is about six lbs. You might be out of luck.
Great, where in the heck did I put those dumbells?
Your adrenaline will carry you McTage.
I hope you get a chance to try it with a 20 lber.
I was definatly into that tradition. Good to read these posts. Your putting the trip together well.
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