The jungle. This ain't carp fishing for the faint of heart. Hook em close and hang on...

If these fish get more than ten feet away, it is game over...unless you are good at mazes and can follow a fish through this stuff.

All told, the three of us broke off something like 17 carp in one day fishing in that mess. We would have landed more had we stuck to the open road.

Fun stuff, but I miss my flats.
Greatest ratio of (# fish caught):(# feet run by fish) of any trip. No doubt there. It was calf-roping time.
Calf roping...perfect.
Flats fishing is going to be boring for you after such adventures! Sweet pix, John
show 'em who's boss.
and calf roping has got to be the perfect metaphor...
awesome pics! I don't think I could have caught anything
Oh my gosh, what a challenge that would be. "Put me in coach, put me in!"
It was a blast!
Way cool, John. Looks like some brutal carpin' and a lot of fun.
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