Three months without a post...I owe apologies to the three people that read this blog! Bottom line, life has been crazy. The kids are growing (even when they refuse to eat, they keep growing) work has been busy (Oct. was another record month) and life in general has conspired to keep me away from any water...I have not touched a fly rod, reel, vice, etc. since my last post. Ugh. I hope to change that with a trip to the Big D in Feb. to look for some blue winged olives. Chances of fishing before that hypothetical trip = 0.
I took JJ to the fly shop today and we bought some sweet looking carp flies. I'll get some pictures of the flies up here in a week or so. I also intend to hit the vice and tie up an army of SJWs, carp carrots, etc. This year I plan on starting the search for carp even earlier than I normally would. I just can't wait to get on the flats and look for tailers!
These are not the flies I bought today, but I liked the patterns (found them online...can't remember where!)