Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just over a week to go

The Royal Coachman Lodge

I can hardly believe this trip is so close. Thanks to The Reel John Montana I will find out if a carp fisherman can still catch trout...and salmon...and char...and grayling (and I secretly want to try for a sheefish if possible).

A week in the wilderness of Alaska with my dad. We will have some stories to tell.


e.m.b. said...

I had to Google Sheefish. The “Tarpon of the North” eh? Sounds kind of Carp-y. ;) Can't wait to hear the stories when you get back!

John Montana said...

Yep...leave it to me to fly to Alaska, look a guide in the face and say, "anything to fish for besides trout and salmon?". Hah...

I am stoked for it all. I used to be a respectable trout angler...back to my roots!

David McKenzie said...

Have fun John..I will be following you up there in about three weeks. Cant wait!

Troutdawg said...

Can't wait to hear how it went! Love Alaska this time of year

Ty said...

Trying hard not to be jealous. Looking forward to the blog posts on this one.

John Montana said...

I really can't wait. The thought of not talking to my kids and wife for a week is terrifying though.