Friday, September 25, 2015


Honestly, I have no idea what to say about this trip. Mike, Dan, Justin and I headed to the Royal Coachman Lodge for a week of fishing, and to leave my dad's ashes in some of the places he loved. Pretty clear that dad was with us the entire time, as the fishing, the experience, the was all just amazing. The group at the Coachman is outstanding. All of the guides were respectful, as well as being top notch at their jobs. It is a tough thing, laying your dad to rest again, but he wanted to be up there, and I think we found some great spots and moments.

More later, but for now it is best to let a few photos tell the tale...














Photos are from a variety of cameras...the good ones are likely Justin or Dan's.


Huge thanks to my friends for going with me. I had a few tough moments up there, and simply couldn't have done this alone.



Christopher Pepe said...

Those dollies are impressive! I love the deep colors. Nice colored silvers and chum. All in all some impressive fish. We were a bit east but about the same time frame as you. Its an awesome place to go fish every once in a while.

RM Lytle said...

A Male Dolly Varden has to be near the top of the list of most beautiful fish. They are just unreal. You are a lucky man!

Wendy Berrell said...

Special trip. Great series of photos there.

Unknown said...

As you play with the streamer keep in mind that any fly will always attempt to rest directly below the fly rods tip.

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MK Administracion pro said...

Wow those are amazing photos. I remember when I was starting my property management business in Chile I was fishing in a great and beautiful lake and got a couple fishs very similar than yours. Great experience!